Quality control


We control each field and crop thanks to our agronomists and farmers to obtain an excellent production and to avoid plagues or other agricultural problems.


We do field cards to analyze each field shipment, in this way we can have an excellent control of our crops, and a correct traceability until our facilities


Immediate transport to our facilities, in this way we don´t lose newness and we give better quality to our customers.


Once our products arrive to our facilities, we do an exhaustive control of each shipment to offer a maximum guarantee to our customers and in this way we can offer a great quality.


In our company, all products from our fields have to pass through a washing and selection process to remove dirt from fields and each product that has not arrived in perfect condition will be removed too.


We have specialized staff that manipulate and cut our raw material to prepare different packaging through a strict regulation of security, prevention and cleanliness.


We have a high control and supervision of our packaging lines to assure that each one has a high quality product inside and with maximum newness, like this our customers will receive the best product.


Our idea is to work per day and load every cargo to arrive as soon as possible to our customers, in this way we can keep the cold chain


International Featured Standards - IFS

IFS Global Markets – Food,is a standardized program for food safety both for distributors and for the food industry, based on the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) comparative framework. The IFS standards are uniform standards focused on food, products and services. This ensures that companies certified according to the IFS standards manufacture a product or provide a service, that meet customer specifications and always work for a continuous improvement of processes.


The installation on the roof cover of photovoltaic solar energy of 25 Kwp . This solar energy allows to generate 37% of the electrical power supply necessary to the manufacturing process.
The installation referred above has been co-financed by 2020 year funds of the Wind Power Plan for the Valencian Community (IVACE), through a repayable grant of 94.904 euros.
File number IVAUTF / 2020/22.



Project covered by the incentive system linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources in the residential sector within the framework of the RECOVERY, TRANSFORMATION AND RESILENCE PLAN, financed by the EUROPEAN UNION and NEXT GENERATION. BENEFICIARY: Empaval 95 Limited Company COMPONENT (C7:I1): Jinko 475W // BP inverter 92.0 KW TOTAL INVESTMENT: €51,061.95 AID AMOUNT: €17,871.68 POWER (KW): 92 KWnom / 75.2 Kp REAL DECREE 477/2021
